Women’s Month.

Today is the last day of Women’s month and of the month of August and no better way to end it off with some tips from our guest writer, Alicia.

You would know Alicia as one of my previous writers.

“Alicia is a wife, mom, and follwer of Jesus who loves to help others reach Ways To Increase Happiness As A Stay-At-Home Momtheir full potential. She is dedicated to helping wives and moms grow in Christ while learning to bless their families from the inside out. To find more inspiration, visit her blog at Live Joyfully Inspired.”

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/joyfullyinspire

Instagram: www.instagram.com/alicialivejoyfullyinspired

Twitter: www.twitter.com/joyfully_live

I was wanting to provide your audience with some tips that are useful and that they could start implementing right away while providing encouragement along with it.

4 Ways To Increase Happiness As A Stay-At-Home Mom

When you’re a stay-at-home mom, it’s easy to become drained and lose your spark. Daily diaper changes and chores can leave you a little dry and overwhelmed.

Being a mom is the best job in the world, but it does come with its challenges and when you’re a stay-at-home mom, it can be difficult to find joy in the every day.

As the primary caregiver for your child(ren), you face possible burnout and unhappiness.

In order to combat this, you need a plan.

You need simple, easy ways to relieve the build-up of pressure that’s so common with stay-at-home-moms, so that you can continue functioning in the best mom way possible.

These 4 tips can help you on this wonderfully mom journey and hopefully provide you with a way to relax, be creative, and increase happiness.

1. Get A Hobby
It is so important to have an outlet. When you have a hobby, you are able to find a type of release by creating. Allowing your creative juices to flow not only makes you feel proud, it stimulates the brain which is great for brain health as well helping you get better sleep.

There are countless hobbies that you can do. You can crochet, start a blog, learn how to make a new meal, scrapbook, re-do old furniture, keep a journal, start a family photo album of trips you’ve taken with mementos from each place, or make jewelry.

If you are passionate about anything, you can probably make a hobby out of it.

2. Exercise

You probably know by now that exercise is a great stress reliever. When you regularly exercise, you have more energy, you sleep better, and you increase your happiness overall.

Exercising just makes you feel better! You can strengthen your muscles, stay slim, and be the example for your children that it’s important to exercise for health.

I know it can be difficult to fit in a full 30 or 45 minutes to exercise. There are tons of YouTube videos that are only 10 minutes long or 15 minutes long. HIIT training is a super easy way to squeeze in a little work-out time.

3. Keep A Planner

Maybe this one seems like an odd way to increase your happiness as a stay-at-a home mom but studies have shown that by keeping a schedule, you eliminate stress.

This is a big one for me. By keeping things planned out, I don’t have to worry about dinner or what time appointments are. Having things planned out relieves the stress of having to figure it out at the last minute.

Then, when the unexpected comes up, you are better prepared to handle it since other areas in your life are already taken care of.

Once you things in place and have a schedule, you feel less overwhelmed which increases your happiness.

4. Take Care Of Yourself

When mama doesn’t take care of herself, how can she expect to take care of her family. There are lots of things you can do to practice self-care.

You can take a bath, spend extra time in prayer, give yourself a pedi, watch your favorite T.V. show, dive deep into a good book, revive your hair with a hair mask, or give yourself a facial.

In order to make others around you happy, you need to be happy. It’s not selfish in any way.

Taking care of yourself shows a sense of pride and helps you feel better about yourself which in turn allows you to give more to your family.

Thank you once again Alicia, I too can use these tips in my day to

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